Thursday, May 31, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday


 Cashier at Wendy's: "What are you wearing? It smells so good!"
Me: "Umm...spray tan...?"
Cashier: "What scent of spray tan?  Is that why you're so dark?"
Me: "I have no idea, and yes."
Cashier: (in a very sad sounding voice) "I wish I could tan..."

Sometimes I wonder if people own mirrors...

The old lady I saw in the airport reading Shades of Grey.

Being locked IN my hotel room.  You read that correctly, I was locked inside of my hotel room!  I had to call the front desk for them to send maintenance. A new door handle and an hour later, it was fixed. haha


Christmas in July. Go sign up!!

When people bring sweets to work for someone's birthday. Yesterday, I had oreo cake, peach bread, and chocolate covered strawberries.  YUMMY!

Receiving an email telling me to apply for MBA Graduation.  Yay! I can see the end!!

Two Truths and a Lie Tuesday! Don't forget to link-up next Tuesday!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hope y'all had a great holiday weekend!  
Here's some headlines for your viewing pleasure:

Leave it to Oklahoma to spell "baseball" wrong...
Yahoo Sports!
via The Tonight Show
via The Tonight Show
via The Tonight Show
via The Tonight Show
via The Tonight Show
via The Tonight Show

Don't forget Two Truths and a Lie Tuesday next week!

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Guest Post from Janna

Since I'm off in Arizona, enjoying my 4 day weekend, I asked one of my favorite bloggers to guest post. Enjoy!

Hello my dears!

I am Janna from Perception Is Everything.

Alana invited me over for a quick  visit and I was happy to oblige!

I don't know if you all like to hike, but if you live in Colorado- you don't have a choice. Today I will share about the time we climbed The INCLINE!

Or at least our ATTEMPT at climbing The Incline ;)

To give you an idea, The Incline is a trail that runs straight up the steepest part of Pikes Peak, and as you climb up the railroad ties (placed like makeshift stairs), the air gets thinner, the sun gets more powerful and at points you practically have to continue on all fours....The slope actually reaches 50 degrees at one point. YIKES!

Doesn't look so bad right?

We were feeling somewhat overzealous when we began and were disheartened when we had to take a break after only 20 minutes.  BUT then we looked back down and saw people lower than us taking breaks as well...score 1 for us!

At least the view was encouraging...

Random Fact:  This trail is actually on private property and it is technically illegal to traverse it.  We're such rebels ;)

Wanna know my claim to fame for the day?  I was in the LEAD the WHOLE time!!  I was with my hunky-Army-hoss and Taylor-the-personal-trainer, who both work out EVERY day, and lil ol' me (who is not normally physically inclined) was the front runner all the way up!  My hubby was the most surprised, if that tells you anything.  I love making him proud-even if it was only cuz I was in a hurry to get to the top to get it all over with....if you tell him I said that, I will DENY it!! ;)

<3 Gorgeous view and even more gorgeous man <3

Taylor and I proud to document that we made it past the bailout!  If anyone asks, THE ONLY reason we went back to the bailout was the weather we saw coming. Honest.

Still proud we made it as far as we did and SUPER happy that we all made the decision to quit avoid the weather ;)

Don't forget, we still had a 2 mile trip down!  Luckily, it was on another trail, so it was leisurely compared to The Incline, but we were racing that weather, so we were keeping a healthy pace.

Boy, were all the views worth the trip....

See? You can't even see all the mountains anymore!  We were literally getting PELTED with hail as we got in the car and this time I'm NOT exaggerating one bit!!
Maybe next time we will make it to the top.  Maybe (not).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lana Lately

 Hey y'all! 
I was going to put chicas, but didn't want to leave the men out (and was fairly confident that the male form of chicas was chicos...until I googled it), so alas, I resorted to "y'all." 

I don't think I'll be posting an Awkward and Awesome post tomorrow. To be quite honest, nothing awesome or awkward has happened to me lately.

(Other than the IT guy sending me this video) 
Yep, that definitely tops the Awkward chart. 

Oh yeah, and I have a FOUR day weekend this week! Which to Arizona I go!

In other news, I've been trying various self-tanners to get that "golden glow." This white girls NEEDS a tan for summer.  I tan fairly easy and used to do tanning beds every now and then, but hate knowing that I'm slowly killing myself. haha.  If I lived near a beach, I would go lay on the shore and tan. Pond banks in Oklahoma (in the middle of a pasture) just don't have the same feel.  Not to mention, who has time to just carelessly lay out in the sun? Not this girl!  

I decided to switch up my makeup routine and use a liquid foundation (instead of my Bare Minerals).  I've been using this product for about a month and love it! I have to use a liquid bronzer on top to get the right shade, but it's the perfect look for summer!

I've realized that I don't know how I'm going to let my Baby C go when it's time for her to leave.  She is seriously my source of joy.  Nothing can improve my day like hearing her giggle. I know I'll be broken hearted to see her go (probably at the end of summer), but I have to remind myself that I can't keep her forever and that I provided her with a loving home when she needed it mos.

I got to hear my future niece/nephew's heart beat the other day.  It reassured me that there is in fact a baby inside of my sister-in-law and that my brother didn't just fabricate a fake ultrasound picture. haha kidding (kinda). I'm so ready for December so I can hold that precious little baby!

I'm soooo ready to be done with my MBA--only two-and-a-half more months! The program hasn't been difficult, it's just VERY time consuming. After working all day, taking care of the kids all night, and doing homework after they go to bed, I'm just ready to crash.  I'm ready to have my life back! 
Plus, then I'll be ready to commit more time to blogging, and start sponsoring larger blogs again!

Sometimes you just have to take life one day at a time. 
Can I get an Amen? haha

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

Monday, May 21, 2012

May Blog Hop, Part Two

 Take a few minutes (I know you want a break from work, anyways) and go check out these lovely ladies...

Traffic Jelly

Who wants to swap for June?! Shoot me an email and claim your spot now!

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday


Baby C had to get glasses and you'd be shocked to know how many people ask us if the glasses are real and where we got them!  I mean, really though, who puts fake glasses on a 6 MONTH OLD??

I had blood work done a few weeks ago and the results came back showing that I have high cholesterol. I was perplexed--how in the world do I have high cholesterol?! I never eat fried foods!  Then I took a look at my lunch one day and discovered why I have high blood pressure...

I should really stop creepin on people, but I couldn't help it!
I had to make sure I wasn't the ONLY person who thought of "There's Something About Mary" when seeing this...

Deactivating my facebook.  That wasn't the awkward part...the awkward part was the fact that I ALMOST reactivated it just so I could take a screenshot of the "Are you sure you want to leave facebook?" page just for y'all. Facebook made sure to let me know that some of the friends I never talk to would miss me if I deactivated. 


The chip I got in my windshield (sarcasm). Between getting rear-ended and being shot by a rock, my poor Jeep has had a rough week...

Our new mini horses:
Aren't May & Prince cute??

Baby C is now a rolling machine! I'm so glad that her prematurity hasn't put her too far behind schedule. 

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Business card that my friend was given
"Alex sweeps Am-Po" on the cover, "Am-Po sweeps Alex" on the Sports page.
Guess they wanted to please everyone...
Via The Tonight Show
Via The Tonight Show
Via The Tonight Show
Via The Tonight Show

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May Blog Hop, Part One

 Before you hop on over to these lovely blogs, I have a quick announcement for you...

Because our Two Truths and a Lie link-up was such a big hit, Mallory and I are going to make it a monthly link-up!! So grab our new button (at the bottom of this post or from my sidebar), and mark it on your calendars to link-up with us on the first Tuesday of every month!  
