Monday, April 5, 2010

This is Going to be a Long Week...

My doctor is waiting to see how I react to the new medicine before he schedules me for once again, my life is on pause.

I have one more month before I hear from Rose State (ugh I swear the day will never come), I'm getting really down about it.

On the up side, my 40 page term paper is coming along great; I had a wonderful weekend with my man--we went to his nephew's birthday party; I got to see my beautiful nieces and nephew today at their 4H dress review; I am LOVING not having to go to work every day; and I have an amazing family.

I am blessed. Just very stressed. Maybe with blessings come stress? Who knows...
I sound like a wanna-be poet now ha ha

Here are a few pictures illustrating my beautiful life:

The Da's at their dress revue

Me and my man

Tuning Keifer's Birthday present (Spongebob guitar) lol

Troubled Optimist

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