Thursday, January 13, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday, Edition 3


1. Walking into a public place only to look down and see a spit-up stain on your shirt.

2.  When you're walking in high heels and your heel slides on the tile, making the loud farting noise.

3.  A moment that happened at my cardiologist's office at my last appointment.  I'm letting you in on this personal moment because it's too great not to share. lol.
There is a new Nurse Practitioner who was reading my charts and information in order to better understand my case.  He had asked me simple questions, like how old I was; how long I had had problems; how the surgery went, etc, etc...
He paused for a short while, then out of the blue asked, "How are your groins?"
I looked up, in complete shock, and said, "Excuse me?!"

He stuttered for a few minutes and explained he was referring to my incisions.  I awkwardly laughed and said they're fine--just minor scarring.  He was so incredibly embarrassed.  I swear he's going to hide from me next time he sees me. lol.  But I bet he'll never ask me about my groins again! ha ha


1. A brand new tube of toothpaste.  The anticipation of trying a new toothpaste overwhelms me every time.  I always end up throwing out my old tube before it's completely empty.

2.  New mascara that actually works! I've found that when buying mascara, like toilet paper, you just can't go cheap.

3.  New jobs! I can't wait to start my new job--it's the start of a whole new chapter in my life.  So many great opportunities are ahead of me!

Until next time, 
The Intelligent Blonde

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