Thursday, May 30, 2013

Letting Go

Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go

Goodness, I honestly don't even know where to begin on this topic...letting go is so important.

Let Go of ex boyfriends--they're exes for a reason.

Let Go of people who treat you poorly--humans are creatures of habit and will continue to treat you that way.

Let Go of the past--you can't change it and besides, why would you want to? Everything that happened in the past made you who you are today.

Let Go of things you no longer need--unless, of course, you want to be on Hoarders.

Let Go of things you cannot control--give it all to God.

On the contrary, NEVER let go of your dreams!



  1. "Let Go of people who treat you poorly--humans are creatures of habit and will continue to treat you that way."

    SO PERFECT! Well said girlie!

    Great great post!

  2. this is one of the biggest things i struggle with! especially with letting go of things i can't control!


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